
Researchers from the University of Southern California and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute say alcohol does not cause cardiovascular disease in healthy people. The study, published today in JAMA Internal Medicine, found no link between moderate alcohol intake (one drink per day) and coronary heart disease (CHD), sudden cardiac death (SCD), and fatal or nonfatal CHD events. The study examined data from 2,700 middle-aged participants in the multi-ethnic Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, which began in 1985 and is tracking the development of heart disease in young black, white, and Hispanic men and women. Participants were followed for 16 years, and self-reported questionnaires measured their daily alcohol intake.

What is alcohol? 

According to, alcohol is “a colorless to light yellow-green viscous fluid obtained as the volatile component of fermented grain products (beer and wine) and fruits and vegetables.” In other words, alcohol is the chemical compound that’s formed during the process of fermentation. A bottle of liquor may have 15% alcohol, which means that 1.5% of the bottle’s volume is alcohol. Alcohol can have positive or negative effects on humans.

Why is  

Alcoholic drinks like wine and beer contain antioxidants that help protect the heart from disease. However, alcohol consumption over a long period can increase your risk of developing certain heart conditions. Studies show that moderate drinking (two glasses daily) can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. But for some people, drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of heart disease and can even cause cancer. So how much is too much? In 2010, the Institute of Medicine released a report that said moderate alcohol consumption should be limited to two daily drinks for women and three for men. This recommendation is based on the fact that alcohol consumption raises your risk of coronary heart disease and that heavy alcohol consumption also increases the risk of breast and colorectal.

How does  

So what does the new research tell us? Well, first off, drinking is good for the heart. Drinking 2-3 alcoholic beverages daily is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, while heavy drinking is linked to bigger cardiac problems. On the flip side, drinking heavily or bingeing every night increases blood pressure, which is bad for the heart. A moderate amount of alcohol, one to three drinks daily, is linked to lower blood pressure. And if you’re a regular drinker, the good news is that regular alcohol use also is associated with better overall cardiovascular health.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a quick fix to your high cholesterol, you may reconsider your alcohol intake. While alcohol affects cardiovascular function positively, recent studies have shown that it could have the opposite effect. Moderate alcohol consumption—drinking two to four alcoholic beverages per week—may be associated with better cardiovascular health. However, when alcohol intake reaches more than four drinks per day, or five or more on any given day, the risk of heart disease increases dramatically. Drinking alcohol in moderation is good for your overall health and a major factor in lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the latest study. The results show that moderate drinking is not harmful to health.


1. How much alcohol can I drink before a heart attack? 

There is no safe limit for alcohol consumption.

2. Is alcohol bad for the heart? 

Moderate drinking may be good for your heart. But heavy drinking can be harmful.

3. How long does it take for alcohol to affect my heart? 

Alcohol can have an immediate effect on your heart. It can also harm your heart over time.

4. What’s the best way to stay healthy while drinking? 

Drink only in moderation. If you drink more than one or two drinks a day, it can be dangerous.

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